提供: AutoHotkey Wiki
#NoEnv SetBatchLines, -1 ListLines, Off
SendMode, SetKeyDelay, SetMouseDelay, SetWinDelay, SetControlDelay, SetDefaultMouseSpeed
どのスクリプトもロード時の構文チェックの際にセミコンパイルされた状態になる。 これによりメモリ消費量を抑え、実行性能を上げることが可能となっている。
- Input and output variables (when their names don't contain references to other variables) and group names are resolved to memory addresses.
- Loops, blocks, IFs, and ELSEs are given the memory addresses of their related jump-points in the script.
- The destination of each Hotkey, Gosub, and Goto is resolved to a memory address unless it is a variable.
- Each command name is replaced by an address in a jump table.
- Each line is pre-parsed into a list of parameters, and each parameter is pre-parsed into a list of variables (if any).
- Each expression is tokenized and converted from infix to postfix.
- Each reference to a variable or function is resolved to a memory address.
- Literal integers in expressions and math/comparison commands are replaced with binary integers.
上記に加え、スクリプト実行中に数値をバイナリ形式でキャッシュし、文字列との相互変換をなるべく避けるようにして高速化を図ることもできる。この件に関しては、SetFormat に詳細がある