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ComObjValue() [v1.0.91+][編集]

AHKL COMラッパーオブジェクトに格納されている値やポインタを取得する。

Value := ComObjValue(ComObject)


引数名 説明
Value 64-bit符号付き整数。
ComObject COMオブジェクトまたは型付き値を含むラッパーオブジェクト。



Calling ComObjValue is equivalent to variant.llVal, where ComObject is treated as a VARIANT structure. Any script which uses this function must be aware what type of value the wrapper object contains and how it should be treated. For instance, if an interface pointer is returned, Release should not be called, but AddRef may be required depending on what the script does with the pointer.


ComObjType(), ComObjCreate(), ComObjGet(), ComObjActive()